
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Quality of Work Life of Cement Industry Essay

AbstractQuality of run purport is an distinguished indicator and yardstick for any organization to measure its overall exertion and overall satisfaction of its stakeholders .Quality of extend sustenance story comprises of several factors which be influencing the flavour of forge life in distinguishable dimensions. Quality of work life of this intentness is concerned the safety, healthy work environment, adequate and lovely compensation and social relevance ar undedicated by the interior(a) stakeholders (Employees).Also the lower train workers dont suck up ,that much amount of tincture of work life that is why they dont wee that much train of involution in their company. Hence to bring-up the expected level of involvement of the employees they mustiness be provided enough amount of training and they must be given over on par treatment while correspond with the rest of the level of employees of their organization. Key words Quality of work life Total life spac e, social relevance Quality of work life feeling stakeholders.IntroductionHistorically, cultural value approximately work have shifted greatly over the years. In ancient time work was performed entirely by slaves, The Renaissance and Reformation brought great heightens in prevailing stead towards work. subject field acquired a moral dignity of its own. Work serves many purposes. The sparing function of work for producing goods and services is its most obvious value. In egress form of production the work is paid wages that enable the secure of good, shelter, plus other needs and luxuries of life.But work serves other values as well. As part of social needs people are supplied at the work put up, were they meet, and converse and share experiences. Ones billet connotes a certain social status both for the worker and his or her family. Work also contributes to an employees self-esteem by reflecting a region to the work group, department and company. If a person is competent and meets his own individualized and the boss satisfaction expectations, this contributes to a awareness of personal worth. Quality of Work biography (QWL) is a relatively new concept. It refers to the favorableness or unfavrableness of a bloodline environment for people (Davis and Newstrom, 1985).Evolution of quality of work lifeWalton attributes the evolution of QWL to various phases in history. Legislation enacted in early twentieth century to protect employees from job-injury and to eliminate hazardous working conditions, followed by the unionisation movement in the 1930s and 1940s were the initial steps. Emphasis was given to job security, due process at the work place and economic gains for the worker. The 1950s and the 1960s saw the development of different theories by psychologists proposing a positive relationship between morale and productivity, and the possibility that improved human relations would lead to the conjurement of both.Attempts to ameliorate and to acq uire equal employment opportunities and job enrichment schemes also were introduced. Finally, in the seventies the idea of QWL was conceived which according to Walton, is all-embracinger than these earlier developments and is something that must include the values that were at the heart of these earlier reform movements and human needs and aspirations(Walton, 1973). The modern following in the quality of work life was stimulated through efforts to change the scope of people satisfaction job in attempting to motivate them (Tyagi 1997). The jobs should examine to employ higher(prenominal) skills of workers, improve their skills, and contribute to generalSocial progress as well as programs that offer employees, the opportunity to purchase law in their firms or programs that provide protection against arbitrary action for their supervisors (Robins, S. 1997).Criteria for quality of work lifeIt has been pointed out by Ted Mills that one of the problems with the tern is that quality of work life is not a single, specific notion. Rather, it subsumes a wholly pass of terms and notions, all of which he feels really belong at a lower place the umbrella quality of work life1. Industrial Effectiveness2. charitable Resource Development3. Organizational Effectiveness4. Works Restructure5. capriole Enrichment6. Organizational Restructure7. Socio- Technical Systems8. Work Humanization9. Group work concept10. Labour way cooperation11. Working together work involvement and worker participation12. Cooperation work restructuresImportance of Quality of Work life sentenceQuality work life is essentially the concept of favorable plaza of a work environment. It is imperative in any type of organizations to stop up high productivity and involvement of employees in multiplication of goods and services of split up quality. The global economy presents the organization with new challenges to be faced by the employees. To make it more imperative employees involvement and c ommitment are required in achieving organizational goals. Such involvements and commitments could be secured only through improved quality of work life. Furthermore working life is regarded as a larger ecological complex of human resource. So in the long run the quality of working life of employees should be made better and coat the way for satisfied working conditions and make them involved in the development of the organization.Review of LiteratureCohen. D.S (1979) Quality of work is a process of mutual decision making, collaboration and building mutual respect between management and employee, which seems to cause a change in how people feel about labour their work and each other. It is this change in the human mode that quality advocated, maintains, increases satisfaction and facilitates better solution to management and production.Ekramul Hoque, M. and Alinoor Rahman (1999) They attempted to par the QWL of industrial workers according to the nature of the organizations and to measure whether there is any operative relationship among quality of work life, job behaviour and demographic variables of the workers.The allow revealed workers of private sector textile mills perceived significantly higherQWL than in the public sector QWL has significant negative correlation with absenteeism and shot and QWL has significant positive correlation with performance. 3Tambe M.R. (2000) In a broad sense QWL includes job enrichment group work concept, labour management cooperation, workers involvement, co-operative work environment and organizational industrial effectiveness. In a narrow sense it is a conductive and encouraging job and physical environment.Mentz (2001) conducted a study to determine the quality of work life of teachers in farm schools in South Africa. The have consists of 60 teachers in 15 farm schools. Findings depute that teachers in rural schools are generally satisfied with circumstances and please teaching they are satisfied with classroom size, physical facilities and teacher bookman relations. Topper (2008) The literature reviews of psychological and sociological studies of job satisfaction in general and specifically for program library workers were under taken by Topper(2008).The investigation was primarily intended to measure the job satisfaction among library workers. It revealed that the library workers are very satisfied in their job. It also underlined the fa ct that job satisfaction should be the key factor for recruitment of the next generation library workers. Edwards, J.,Van laar ,D.L &Easton ,S.(2009).Regular assessment of quality of work life can potentially provide organization with important information about the welfare of their employees, such as job satisfaction, general well-being, work related stress and the home-work interface. accusingTo find out the existing level of Quality of Work Life perceived by the employees in cement industryResearch methodological analysisResearch DesignThe query chassis is an important yardstick and it is describing the properties of the proposed research with related to a particular domine. This article is concerned the research design is descriptive in nature. This article is going to evaluate the existing level of quality of work life which is prevailing in cement industry at Ariyalur District. Survey and sampling methodThe researcher is decided to deploy the primary data from the concerned indust ry respondents with the facilitate of the data collection fauna questionnaire.Apart from the primary data the required datas to enhance the quality of the article is to be collected from the secondary sources such as books, magazines and annual reports of the companies. The data which is to be collected from the respondents on random floor simple random sampling. The companies which are included in this survey are TANCEM, BIRLA and RAMCO. The sample size which is a determined for the study is 300 from all common chord companies.Statistical tool usedThe collected data which is analyzed with the help of ANOVA.Analysis and InterpretationQuality of Work Life (QWL) includes a armament of issues ranging from occupational safety and health, job training, retraining, educational opportunities to society recreational facilities and childcare. QWL is a process of work organizations, which enables its members at all levels to participate actively and skill in shaping the organizations environment, methods and outcomes.

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